A major lesson in the business dramas of recent years is that great executives are almost but not quite enough. 近年来商界轰动一时的大事件给我们的一个主要教训是,公司拥有顶尖高管几乎就足够了,但也只是几乎。
I broke the students up into six groups, each representing a stakeholder in a major airline company: pilots, flight attendants, mechanics, executives, customers and stockholders. 我把学生分成了6个组,每组代表了大航空公司的利益相关方之一,包括:飞行员,乘务员,机械师,管理人员,顾客以及股东。
The CEO of a major computer software manufacture announced a paradigm shift to his executives today. 一家大型软件生产商的总裁今天宣布要对其管理人员进行改组。
Mr Rubin was in charge of the Treasury during the Asian financial crisis, whereas Mr Paulson was among the five major investment banking chief executives who persuaded the Securities and Exchange Commission not to extend prudential reserve requirements to their companies. 鲁宾在亚洲金融危机时期执掌财政部,而保尔森是当时说服美国证交会(SEC)不要对其公司施行审慎准备金要求的五大投行CEO之一。
In addition to working for a major international investment bank, Mr Du is said to have had close relationships with senior executives at large Chinese companies such as CITIC Resources. 据称,除了为一家主要国际投行工作,杜军还与中信资源等大型中国企业的高管关系密切。